Episode 121: Rome, If You Want To
Countdown to Italy! Only 72 hours left and PJ still hasn’t picked her travel companion. Stephanie’s freaking out (as only Stephanie does).
The guys are helping her review her options: one of the four of them.
•Kenny: has random relatives living in various parts of the Italy.
•Bobby: his family owns a villa in Florence AND he speaks Italian
•Mike: says “everybody over there speaks Italian,” but he’ll be her personal valet. He also promises not be creepy.
•Brendan; says they’re excellent travel companions, citing Costa Rica and six days of beer, surfing, beer, shrimp tacos, and beer.
Andy brings up the point that there are plenty of great sites to visit in their own city that are just as great as traveling abroad (this is obviously the show’s love letter to the city of Chicago). So he plans a field trip/day off for the gang to visit one place they’ve never gone to before.
Next day, PJ awakens from a horrifying dream involving her waking up to half-naked, beer-downing Mike on one side and bouffant-sporting Kenny. Needless to say, she decides she would be much better off going it alone in Italy. Or in reality, playing the third wheel to Steph and her debt counselor/BF Lance.
Then…koinky dink! Old love interests begin popping up left and right:
Option #1: Evan the botanist shows up at Crowley’s. He’s been in Belize and has just returned. He was really digging her and invites her to his parents’ lake house in Michigan (full of mosquitoes and fat people with annoying accents). She tells him she’ll call when she gets back.
Option #2: The Cute Cub. He’s just been traded to the Brewers. SO he can now officially tell her he’s got a huge crush and would love to have dinner (or breakfast..or both!). Again, she promises to call when she gets back.
Option #3: Thorn. Turns out he didn’t get married. He also wants to have dinner with PJ….in Italy! Can you guess what her response was?
The girl still decides to go it alone.
Forgot to mention the events of Andy’s Big Day Off Tour of Chicago. They start with Bobby’s pick - the Art Institute (where only the audience sees that Bobby’s family trust donated an entire exhibit to the museum – man, they really ARE loaded). Next stop, Kenny’s pick: the Sears Tower. He’s afraid of heights, thus he’s never been to the top. He clings to the walls once inside.
Mike: “There’s a full ½ inch of glass between you and splat! on the pavement.”
“That wasn’t very supportive was it?”
Later, Andy shows up as the tour guide on a double-decker bus to show Brendan “something he’s never seen before,” then proceeds to serenade everyone with “Danke Schoen.”
The Plane The Plane!
Steph and Lance are already on board, waiting for PJ. PJ shows up, slightly frantic. She tells them that she took Steph’s advice and called up someone to be her date. He said yes and was supposed to meet her at the airport. The mystery guy still hasn’t shown up. PJ is feeling dejected, having put herself out there only to end up disappointed. But wait! The flight attendant brings some surprising news:
“Penelope Franklin? The gentleman has upgraded your ticket to first class.
You have a glass of champagne waiting for you behind those curtains.”
Stephanie peeps her head to get a view, “Who is it?” Well we’ll find out tonight won’t we?
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