
I couldn't help but wonder...

...if "Sex and the City: The Movie" would live up to my expectations. The final verdict? It was FABULOUS! For die-hard fans of the show, I think it was well worth the wait. For the uninitiated, this is probably NOT the flick for you.

On opening night, a group of girlfriends and I had dinner & Cosmos (of course) and watched the movie with a theater full of girly-girls like ourselves. Under normal circumstances, I hate being in a crowded theater. But for this particular movie, I wouldn't have had it any other way. Moviegoers sharing collective oohs and aahs, cheers and giggles, squeals and gasps, and of course tears. If you loved the show, well you don't need me to tell you go see it.

SATC has been the main reason I've been behind on watching all the TV season finales. For the last two months, I've been watching the entire SATC series on DVD, so forgive me for the delay in posting finale thoughts on the rest of my shows. I'll get to that in just a few minutes here. And there's lots to discuss!

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